2017 and Mori Girls
Hi everybody! I guess this is my first 2017 post and also the first in a while :) As usual, my busy life keeps me from coming here more often, but I'm far from leaving this sweet corner behind. I promise to update myself in your blogs too soon.
Meanwhile, let me present you my newest collection from my Etsy shop: the Mori Girls series!! I've got 2 sweet girls ready so far. I recently came across the Mori Girl lifestyle and I just love it! It almost completely describes myself and it's just adorable.
Mori girl translates from the Japanese into Forest Girl. It's a look and a lifestyle created in Japan around 2010. The goal is to look as if you're living in the woods, dressing in its colors, with mainly loose outfit pieces and lots and lots of layering. It's ok to use ruffles, lace, natural materials and whimsical accessories. And that is all these girls are about.
The first in the series is called Maya.
And now there's Lily too.
I created very natural looking boxes for them too.
What do you think?
Bonecas bonitos e modas do divertimento. Estou ansioso para ver mais posts de você - tempo e vida permitindo, é claro.
Oi v! Contente de ler que, além de seu filho pequeno, você e seu marido estão se movendo para novas posições. Parabéns por essas realizações. Estou alcançando blogs e sites de mídia social. Fico feliz em vê-lo ainda blogging quando você puder. Sua Mori Girl modas são adoráveis. Obrigado por compartilhar ;-)