Corolle - Bebé Do :: Baby Do
O Bebé Do da Corolle é mais ou menos o equivalente a um Nenuco enquanto objecto de brincadeiras, ou seja, é um chorão simples e doce, com muitas roupinhas e acessórios. É lançado todos os anos pela Corolle, com uma roupa diferente. Tem 36 cm e corpo mole, e uma expressão facial estudada para transmitir tranquilidade às crianças. O meu é da coleccção de 2004, quando a marca Corolle se associou à Ajuda de Berço. O Bebé Do foi o boneco escolhido para representar a associação, sendo vendido a um preço mais baixo com uma percentagem que revertia para a mesma. Na primeira imagem, o meu Bebé Do está com a roupa de origem, uma touca feita pela minha avó e botinhas de lã tricotadas pela minha bisavó. É o que considero a sua roupinha de meia-estação.
Corolle's Baby Do is sort of the equivalent to a Baby Born doll in terms of playing object, meaning it's a simple, plain baby doll with lots of clothing and accessories. It's produced every year by Corolle with a different outfit. It's measures 36 cm and has a soft body. His facial expression is studied to transmit a sense of tranquility to children. My Baby Do is from 2004, when this doll was chosen to represent a Portuguese Children Aid Association. It was sold at a lower price and part of the money went to the association. In the first photo my Baby Do is with its original outfit, a bonet made by my grandmother and booties knitted by my great grandmother. It's his middle-season outfit.
Corolle's Baby Do is sort of the equivalent to a Baby Born doll in terms of playing object, meaning it's a simple, plain baby doll with lots of clothing and accessories. It's produced every year by Corolle with a different outfit. It's measures 36 cm and has a soft body. His facial expression is studied to transmit a sense of tranquility to children. My Baby Do is from 2004, when this doll was chosen to represent a Portuguese Children Aid Association. It was sold at a lower price and part of the money went to the association. In the first photo my Baby Do is with its original outfit, a bonet made by my grandmother and booties knitted by my great grandmother. It's his middle-season outfit.
Roupa de Verão feita pela minha avó, sapatinhos de crochet feitos pela minha mãe.
Summer outfit made by my grandmother, crochet booties by my mother.
Roupa de Inverno original da Corolle
Winter clothing by Corolle
Winter clothing by Corolle