Nova Colecção de Inverno :: New Winter Collection

Os artigos de Verão continuam em saldos e os artigos de Inverno já chegaram e adivinham os dias frios e as noites festivas. Aproveitem e visitem :)


The Summer items are still on sale and the Winter collection has arrived with the scent of cold days and holiday nights. Check them here :)


D7ana disse…
Best wishes for success in your Etsy sales, V!

Thanks for sharing the link.
Muff disse…
Very lovely! She definitely looks like she is dressed for a cold night by the fire place.
V. disse…
D7ana and Muff: thank you both for your visit and specially for your kind words, they mean a lot to me!
Unknown disse…
Hello from Spain: luck with sales. Your designs are fabulous. Nice picture. Keep in touch
V. disse…
Marta: thank you! I'm glad you came by :)

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