Another Collection Update

I've been away for awhile but my collection isn't frozen in time. It has grown at a steady, slow pace to keep finances under control and a collection based on good taste and quality instead of just quantity. Anyway I've also been very busy in my professional and personal life so I don't have lots of imagination right now. Here goes the update to my collection (as far as I can remember):

My Clara doll was a gift from my friend Patricia, but she came to me nude. Once in a while I got her a nice dress but Patricia surprised me again and she gave me Marzipan's ballerina dress. Clara was very happy and she loves to pose with her new dress.

This Haute Côuture gown has been running away from me since it was released, some 19 years ago. It's rare and expensive. Some while ago I bought one from a Spanish woman but she kept the money and never sent the dress. Finally it's in my collection, no more running.

Ok this isn't such a great find, but I always found Barbie Mariposa very cute. I gave her a new body and Raquelle's outfit.

The latest find was this awesome Bratz Jeep! It isn't complete, it's missing the front doors, the removable ceiling and the tiny accessories. But I still love it! It's very realistic, the front and back lights work and has plenty of space.

Until next time folks!


Unknown disse…
Hello from Spain: nice collection I like your Jeep Bratz!. I had not seen before. Keep in touch
Vanessa disse…
Nice finds. I LOVE that jeep! This is my first time ever seeing it. I need to keep my eyes open for one of those.
Muff disse…
Wow, even with all the things missing from it, that is still an awesome jeep! Great find.
D7ana disse…
Congratulations on your neat finds.

The Bratz Jeep is new to me, too. Lucky dolls you have to ride in it.

My Blaine's body is sticky. Yours does not seem to be messy. That's good to see although I wonder why my guy has sweaty plastic legs. Hmmm ....

Thanks for sharing your lovely new dolls.
V. disse…
Marta, Vanessa and Muff: it's really a great find, specially in Portugal and for 4€ only! I discovered that the jeep is rather rare and valuable.

D7ana: My Blaine is in great condition. I had that problem of sticky legs with GG Chelsea and Tori and with the Princess of the French Court. I sold all those dolls because I coudn't stand the stickiness messing with the clothing and I didn't have other extra bodies at that time.
jewel snake disse…
Wow, what a lucky find!!
The car is simply wonderful, never seen such model!
V. disse…
jewel snake: it truly is! Thank you for passing by :)
Unknown disse…
Adoro tudo! A Clara está lindíssima com o vestido de bailarina!
V. disse…
Cláudia Melgueira: Foram umas belas aquisições :D

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