El Perico

Last weekend a great friend of my was in my home. He's also a Barbie collector and we had lots of fun in this photo shooting. The theme "El Perico y sus mujeres" (The Parakeet and its ladies) came to us thanks to the re-ment parakeet we included in the set. Lets take a look:

It all started in the Summer hut. Lea and Juan broke up in a very dramatic way.

Jasmin didn't waste any time and she did her best to seduce handsome Juan. I guess she wasn't lucky though.

When Midge arrived it was all hugs and kisses. Juan couldn't resist the sweetness of that pin-up like girl!

But then the girls noticed this little guy (el perico) and from then on  it all changed and Juan was completely forgotten.


Emma disse…
As fotografias ficaram muito bem!!! O cenario é fantástico!!!
Com certeza foi uma tarde bem passada com os teus amigos!!
V. disse…
Emma: muito obrigada! Foi uma paródia muito bem passada ;)
Muff disse…
That breakup was very dramatic indeed. Lea has got the drama hand to forehead down to perfection.

What a cute story!
V. disse…
Muff: my friend is a specialist as far as dramatic positions are concern. Thank you for visiting!
Vanessa disse…
That's wonderful that you got to play with your friend. Love that little hut. This is my first time seeing it.
V. disse…
Vanessa: thanks for passing by. The Tropical Hut is not complete but it's very cute. It was a great find :D
D7ana disse…
Congratulations on finding the Tropical Hut, V.

I enjoyed seeing the ladies with Juan, but I love how the parakeet distracted them all from him.

(Take that Juan for breaking poor Lea's heart!)
V. disse…
D7ana: Thank you! Mr. Parakeet rules \m/

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