Pet Contest

Today all the neighbors joined to show their beloved pets at the contest.

There were pets of all kinds: dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and hamsters.


Beauty was the winner last year...who knows which will be now?

You might even notice a cat bigger than usual...well she figured that she just had to be in the photo.

The jury are all set, although I think that Mike is more concerned with Ella than with the contest...

And this year the winner is....Thunder! The cocker spaniel that belongs to Myria :)


Vanessa disse…
So much fun! Great idea to have a pet contest. Congrats to the cocker spaniel. Seeing the real cat was a treat, too.
Unknown disse…
Hello from Spain: beautiful pet contest. I like the looks of your Barbies. Nice pictures. Keep in touch
Emma disse…
Gostei do teu gatinho! É UMA FOFURA! Emma
V. disse…
Vanessa: it was very fun indeed! I lack the space to make and keep nice dioramas, but the outside is always good for quick photos.

Marta: thank you! I'll keep in touch.

Emma: obrigada! Mas a minha gatinha é uma verdadeira terrorista que gosta de atacar as bonecas!
D7ana disse…
I love the cat in the photo. She looks as if she were spying on the others ;-)
V. disse…
D7ana: actually the cat was hunting my dolls XD It's very hard to take photos when she's around!
D7ana disse…
V. my cat would prefer that I not take photos of my dolls, too. (He likes to be the center of attention, the dear fellow.) But he is an indoor cat so if I take photos outside, he would not be able to get in those photos, ha ha.
V. disse…
D7ana: lucky you! My cat is everywhere where she's not suposed to be!
D7ana disse…
LOL! Naughty cat! But you love her all the same, I bet.
V. disse…
D7ana: of course, she's my little sweet devil :P
Unknown disse…
O teu jardim é óptimo para fotos!:)
V. disse…
Cláudia Melgueira: é mesmo, dá um óptimo cenário!

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