Outra Encomenda :: Another Comission

Desta fez, um giftset da série Fringe! Deu trabalho a triplicar mas foi um desafio agradável. As personagens são as duas Olívias das diferentes dimensões e o Peter Bishop. Para as Olívias usei a Barbie Pretty Flowers e a Cool Blue, com algumas alterações. O Peter é um Liam Flavas, também alterado. A caixa foi adaptada do Giftset Elvis e Priscilla.


This time a giftset from the series Fringe! It was triplicate work but a very pleasent challenge. The characters are the two olivias from the paralel dimensions and Peter Bishop. For the Olivias I used a Pretty Flowers and a Cool Blue Barbie dolls, with several changes. Peter is a Liam Flavas doll that was also altered. The box was adapted from the Elvis and Priscilla Giftset.


Unknown disse…
Hello from Spain, great comission, i like very much. Keep in touch
D7ana disse…
Eu amo este jogo - Eu gosto de como você tem as duas Olivias vestida de forma diferente.

Parabéns pela conquista!

* * * * * *

I love this set - I like how you have the two Olivias dressed differently.

Congratulations on your achievement!

V. disse…
Marta: glad you like it, keep in touch too ;)
D7ana: I tried my best to capture the different styles of both Olivias :D
Vanessa disse…
Very nice. Congrats on a job well done.

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