Realeza :: Royalty
Algumas das minhas princesas mais formosas. A única com a roupa original é a Princesa do Império Português (acho giríssimo ela ter o cabelo quase igual ao meu!). Depois vem a Blair, no vestido da Rapunzel e a Carnivale Ball, com a roupa da Victorian Barbie with Cedric Bear. Maravilhosas as três :)
Some of my graceful princesses. The only one with the original outfit is the Princess of the Portuguese Empire (I think it's very funny that she has her hair like mine!). After her we have Blair with Rapunzel's dress and Carnivale Ball with the outfit of Victorian Barbie with Cedric Bear. They are all wonderful :)
Se souber de alguem que tenha e queira vender,agradeço que me contacte se for possivel.beijos Deonilde carvalheiro